If you are planning to lease your office space in Burgess Hill it will generally mean you rent your office directly from a building’s landlord or agent.  This can be on a fixed amount or based on a cost per square foot.

You will find that a lease usually requires a contract of between three to ten years and a large deposit. Many leases are on a full insuring and maintaining basis which means that the lessee is responsible for all insurance costs and most importantly to make sure that the building is in good order.  Very often, there is a nasty gotcha with leases in that at the end of the term the landlord can make a charge for dilapidations, this can be a very large sum of money and its recommended that you get a dilapidation survey before you sign up.  Without a survey you could end up not only having to fix wear and tear while you were using it but also before you started.

The advantages of leasing office space in Burgess Hill include:

  • You have a better idea of what your outgoings will be B
  • Firms who need full control over the branding of their space will be able customise, with landlord consent, the building
  • Design control.
  • Potentially, if the right terms are negotiated, lower costs and overheads.

Disadvantages of a traditional lease include:

  • Contract negotiations can be complex, time consuming  and expensive
  • You need to budget for a deposit at the start and a substantial cost at the end to reinstate and deal with delapidations
  • Money is needed to fit out, furnish and ensure that power, networking and lighting are how you need them
  • All service charges, maintenance, business rates, utility costs have to be paid
  • Once you have taken the lease there is little flexibility if your needs change
  • New businesses will need to fund a substantial deposit and often guarantors are needed